What to Expect When You are Not Expecting

My adventure of getting pregnant over 35 starting with clomid

Kick it up a notch! September 8, 2010

Hi fellow pregos- how is your week going?   Mine not so bad!   I am feeling pretty good today and last night was actually able to do stuff when I got home from work-  a miracle-  I normally crash on the couch and can only muster up enough energy to make dinner -if that.   I went through my closet last night and bid my pants adieu!  So long suckers!  I also put away all my skirts and tops that just aren’t going to happen for me anymore.  Kinda of hated it- kinda loved it.  Now I have a good idea of what is available to me right now- and it isn’t so bad.  I will be putting a lot of stuff on ebay this week though since I likely won’t be wearing any of these clothes for a long while and have no idea what will fit me-  I feel the urge to purge!

Do any of you have pets?   My husband is convinced that my dogs know that I am expecting.  My little one likes to nestle on my stomach and the big one seems to be by my side a lot more these days.  My thoughts are that it is because I have been home so much more now but he thinks otherwise….thoughts?  Do pets have an intuition?  We have two family rooms in our house which are pretty much his and hers.  Mainly because I fill the Tivo with my trash reality TV shows and need a place to watch them in private. The doggies usually join me there even when hubby is home. It is the only room in the house that our Bernese Mountain Dog  is allowed on the couch and when I am not in fetal position sometimes he joins me with his head on my lap.  I am sure this is not helping my allergies but I can’t resist he is amazingly sweet and it is wondy!  Last night hubby came up for one of our shared programs-  Chopped- (who doesn’t’ love that show?) I told him I would take the chaise so he could experience the couch love with our Berner.  I am still laughing at what transpired.  Hubby, who I might add is 6’4, was crouched in the corner of the couch leaving all the room for our dog excitedly ready to sit with him.  The dog wanted no part of it and kept jumping down to lay on the floor by me.  Since the Berner is his dog- hubby was just sitting there all looking sad so he got up and grabbed my Havanese and had him lay on the couch with him.  Oh the games we play!

Speaking of playing- I don’t’ feel like my baby is doing much of it.  I don’t know if it is because this is my first go around but I am just not getting the fluttering sensation very often…is this a cause for concern- or do I just not recognize what it feels like?   I am 18 weeks and 2 days and am not feeling a lot of movement.  This baby needs to kick it up a notch!  What I do feel is like myorgans need to rearrange all the time and when I stand up I almost feel like motion sickness or something for a sec.  I call it my body getting re-organ-ized.  Is that the baby moving?  I read that it can also be mistaken for feeling of hunger.  I do feel like I am starving in the morning I did tell hubby last night after eating dinner that I still felt hungry- was that really my baby moving to thank me for a delicious meal- or me subconsciously coming up with a reason to eat a piece of the AMAZING banana cake my MIL made me?  I might add-  I am feeling some hunger right now- Should I be getting a kick out of this?